The abnormal accumulation of extravascular fluid, pulmonary edema settles in the lung interstitium and alveoli. There, it ...
mucus hypersecretion and airway wall edema (Figure 1). [1] All of these pathophysiologic features are largely represented in asthma, and therefore, anticholinergic drugs have been considered to be ...
As a doctor at Al-Aqsa Hospital, I saw what a collapse in the ceasefire could mean—and what can happen when a patient is ...
It is thought that the exacerbation of OSA due to SVCS is caused by increasing upper airway resistance related to reversible edema of the upper airway mucous or tissue. In contrast, SVCS may not cause ...
If administered in time, this restores the patient’s airway reflexes ... vomiting and pulmonary edema. Withdrawal symptoms are usually mild and short lasting, but some patients can become ...
A worker was hospitalized after a container of muriatic acid was improperly discarded with household trash, releasing ...
Studies examining the effect of marijuana smoking on lung function have produced somewhat variable results. This is likely to be related to the difficulty in obtaining random samples of smokers ...
Application of the ACE-Star Evidence-Based Nursing Model Combined with Voice Training in Voice Rehabilitation after Vocal Cord Polyp Surgery ...