The Chick-Fil-A development comes at a projected cost of $5.4 million, and Wright says it will be locally owned and operated.
The popular restaurant chain announced it will soon open its first location in Fredericksburg in the Hill County.
A new Chick-fil-A location off Kalakaua Avenue and Kapiolani Boulevard has residents concerned about the traffic it will cook up.
The traits of high rate of lay, persistency of lay, livability, shell quality and egg fertility are measured and improved ...
From 1925: The Spokane Chronicle trumpeted the news that “for 12 hours next summer, Spokane will be the golf and humor ...
From names to prices, Chick-fil-A has gone through many changes over the years, but there is a particular menu item that has ...
A drain issue at a Chick-fil-A led to a chemical reaction, causing 13 people to feel effects and forcing an evacuation as 25 ...
One of the greatest development projects in the history of Joliet, the Rock Run Collection off Interstates 55 and I-80, is ...
According to the Columbia-Richland Fire Department, the incident happened at Chick-fil-A on Garners Ferry Road around 11:20 a.m. after people inside the restaurant noticed an unpleasant odor.