Indiana's third grade reading scores show progress but gaps remain. The latest IREAD3 results show about 82% of students ...
In a surprising turnaround, Mississippi, once ranked near the bottom of U.S. education standings, has dramatically improved ...
With the third grade retention law in place this year, school administrators offer tips to help get students ready for the ...
South Africa’s literacy crisis is deepening, with the latest 2030 Reading Panel report highlighting that 80% of grade 3 pupils still cannot read for meaning.
These strategies for building foundational reading skills can help when students struggle with grade-level texts.
The 2030 Reading Panel released in Johannesburg on Tuesday starkly revealed that 80% of Grade 3 South African learners cannot read for meaning in any language. The panel was formulated in 2022 to ...
Louisiana consistently ranks among the worst states for education, and the state's literacy rate is considered low. Here's ...
SPRINGFIELD State Senator Christopher Belt advanced a measure to enhance early literacy education for students in ...
Five key actions could help improve Oklahoma schools, which are lagging behind China's. Merit pay for teachers is one of them ...
The North Carolina House is now considering a bill that would provide money to help more people learn to read. 54% of adults ...