To say that the last few years in Hollywood have been tumultuous would be a bit of an understatement. While the 2023 writers’ ...
When most people set out to force a big change in their lives, they often focus on external factors, such as a new job, a new ...
Conquering hard topics builds your confidence, adaptability, and problem-solving. Here's why you should take on a new ...
Obsidian Entertainment blew up by perfecting everything from Star Wars to Fallout, but now it's time for their own IP to ...
We’re so used to cooking eggs to make them “hard-boiled” that we don’t think about how counter that word is to most of nature ...
The first time the public heard Lewinsky’s voice was in phone calls surreptitiously recorded by her colleague Linda Tripp, ...
A mountain of science shows being kinder to yourself boosts happiness and performance. These books teach self-compassion.
A multitude of books have been published about writing and the writing process, and the works that comprise this genre are ...
We are, without doubt, the most creative company,” Troy Ruhanen, the chief executive of OAG since it formally launched in January 2025, says of Omnicom, dismissing Campaign’s suggestion that has not ...
Sometimes, critics and audiences aren't on the same page about whether a show is great entertainment or hot garbage.
We should shift our focus and scrutinize the perpetrators, the oppressors, the colonizers,” says Mohammed El-Kurd.
Between Tool Shaq (Home Depot), Shaq-A-Licious (Hershey’s), Shaqtin’ A Fool (TNT) and Shaquille O’Deal (Klarna) — and that’s just the tip of the Shaq-berg — the most visible brand in the NBA is 7-foot ...