A new study shows how individual brain cells in the hippocampus respond to pronouns. 'This may help us unravel how we remember what we read.' ...
The risk of being born with a major heart defect is 36% higher in babies who were conceived after assisted reproductive technology, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), according to results of a very ...
A new study suggests that an ordinary old log could help refine strategies to tackle climate change. A team of researchers analyzed a 3,775-year-old log and the soil it was excavated from. Their ...
Nov. 11, 2022 — The autonomic nervous system is known as the control center for involuntary bodily processes such as the beating of our hearts and our breathing. The fact that this part of the ...
Augmented reality (AR) takes digital images and superimposes them onto real-world views. But AR is more than a new way to play video games; it could transform surgery and self-driving cars. To make ...
Researchers have discovered a new bacterium that weakens the immune system in the gut, potentially contributing to certain inflammatory and infectious gut diseases. The team identified the bacterium, ...
Compared with inactivity, a weekend warrior pattern of exercise (concentrating most moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in one to two days during the week) or a more evenly distributed physical ...
Researchers have shown that the balance of bacteria in the gut can influence symptoms of hypopituitarism in mice. They also showed that aspirin was able to improve hormone deficiency symptoms in mice ...
With the global population ageing rapidly, sarcopenia, a condition that affects millions of older adults and severely diminishes their quality of life, is emerging as an urgent public health issue.
A new study combines data from ancient shells with advanced climate modeling to shed light on how El Ni o weather patterns might change in a warming world.
The hippocampus has a surprising new role -- linked to the control of skilled actions such as handwriting, typing, and playing music.
In a surprise finding, astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have discovered that the blowtorch-like jet from a supermassive black hole at the core of a huge galaxy seems to cause stars to ...