The Bisenzio Project, an international and transdisciplinary initiative led by Andrea Babbi, a researcher at CNR ISPC ...
The official recovery operations of the Greek ship from the classical era, known as "Gela II”, have begun. This significant ...
In James Cameron's film Titanic, there’s a deleted scene where a crew member, played by Irish actor Liam Touhy, is seen, ...
It is reasonable to deduce that in the successive phases of prehistory, humans, in their effort to create a warmer ...
The joint Egyptian-German archaeological mission between the universities of Sohag and Berlin recently discovered the ...
Most historical civilizations, such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians, Greeks, Mayans… used natural measures ...
Skull with perforating bronze arrowhead (approx. 35mm) found at Weltzin 20 (North). Note the damage to the tip of the ...
The seed germinated in 2010, 20 years after its discovery. Credit: Guy Eisner / Sarah Sallon et al. An international team of researchers has successfully germinated and analyzed an ancient seed, ...
Orthophotography showing the location of the 9 tombs excavated in the Panoría cemetery. Credit: M. Díaz-Zorita Bonilla et al. A recent study carried out by a multidisciplinary team from the University ...
The meteorological machine of Prokop Diviš next to his birthplace. Credit: Bohemianroots / Wikimedia Commons The American Benjamin Franklin is often credited with inventing the lightning rod, among ...
But as soon as the first light of day appeared, the gleaming chainmail, girded with steel bands, and the shining breastplates, seen from afar, showed that the king’s forces were near. Exotic because ...
During the Roman era, the southern promontory of the Gulf of Baia (in Latin Baiae) was the perfect location for constructing villae maritimae for the Roman elite, who chose to spend their summer ...