Set foot on a magical island and explore a whimsical small open world as Ila, a spirited young witch-in-training searching for her lost kitty, Coco.
The International Longshoremen’s Association expects to shortly take the next steps toward ratifying a new contract with East ...
Indie game developer and publisher Magic Rain Studios have released a new free demo and trailer for their upcoming game ILA: A Frosty Glide, as they are looking to crowdfund the game. The latest ...
A Frosty Glide trailer for the upcoming cozy adventure game. A Kickstarter campaign for ILA: A Frosty Glide is available now. Ila is a curious and kind witch-in-training about to embark on the ...
Shippers who rely on US East Coast and Gulf ports were able to breathe a sigh of relief last Wednesday night when the ILA and ...