The rat lungworm is considered the greatest cause of eosinophilic meningitis, and is sustained primarily from "ingestion of ...
Blood tests showed elevated eosinophils, which can be a sign of a parasitic infection, among other things. They searched for ...
As you’ll see in this video, one man’s crayfish hunt took a rather unexpected turn when he stumbled upon a once-in-a-lifetime find: a pure white crayfish! Crayfish (or crawfish) can be found ...
while purple form crayfish are turquoise with purple spots and white along their joints and tails. “Like the other members of this genus, this crayfish is aggressive, strictly freshwater ...
Over the last 20-30 years, river pollution and habitat loss have taken their toll on our only native crayfish. The tributaries of the Usk and the Wye are real enclaves for these lobster-like ...
David Harpley from the Cumbria Wildlife Trust said the river was "famous for white clawed crayfish" that were "likely to be affected by poor water chemistry". The Environment Agency (EA ...
The UK native white-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipus) crayfish is under considerable pressure throughout the UK from the invasive American signal crayfish and a fungal pathogen (crayfish ...
The Black Creek crayfish is colorful, with a black carapace, a white or yellow dorsal stripe and a rust-colored abdomen with black stripes. The species occupies a small range in the lower St. Johns ...
Crayfish are best eaten from late spring to late autumn. Weather conditions affect their availability and cost, as does the spawning season (when the flesh of shellfish softens and has less ...
A new critter is creeping into the United States' waters. The invasive Australian redclaw crayfish has been spotted in southern Texas, roughly 8,000 miles from its home. The freshwater ...