The 40-odd countries that have put their security in America’s hands since 1945 are suffering a crisis of confidence. They ...
At a Canadian mountain retreat, some of the US’s closest allies tried to divine over private conversations and public ...
Just a day before the end of a three-day meeting of G7 foreign ministers in a remote snowy Canadian resort, some of the ...
Chinese warships have been circumnavigating Australia’s coastline for more than three weeks, passing within 200 miles of ...
Taiwan also is not the only government to win favor in Washington. Saudi Arabia's $1.3 trillion U.S. spending plan, announced ...
A longtime naval analyst said approaches seen in Japan and South Korea could help the operations of US shipyards building ...
The kit in question, the Digital GPS Anti-Jam Receiver, or DIGAR, is sold by BAE Systems and was originally intended for air ...
According to data captured by the aircraft tracking service Flightradar24, a U.S. Air Force RC-135V spy plane, also known as ...
Ireland and the U.S. are long-standing political and business allies and the country is hoping this relationship can expand ...
The United States is planning to charge fees for docking at U.S. ports on any ship that is part of a fleet that includes ...
From Korea to Cuba, America has been at its best diplomatically when it has encouraged its friends to be candid ...