Today, because of developments along the Alabama coastline and the bright lights that go along with it, sea turtles need our help.
A Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, named Clean after the Taylor Swift song, wears a miniature beaded friendship bracelet before ...
For information about Volusia County’s sea turtle program, call 386-238-4716 or go to For questions about sea turtle-friendly lighting, call 386-238-4773.
TurtleFest’s Junior Vet Lab teaches children about common injuries and illnesses affecting sea turtles. (Loggerhead Marinelife Center/Courtesy) Take part in a 30-minute program educating ...
TYBEE ISLAND, Ga. (WTOC) - Tybee Island is working to make all local businesses more sea-turtle friendly. It’s a new initiative in collaboration with Main Street Tybee Island and Fight Dirty ...
Dr. Jeff Schmid, an environmental research manager at the Conservancy of Southwest Florida, said Wednesday that treating those New England turtles is part of a rescue mission program conducted by ...
There are nine public opportunities available throughout the Treasure Coast to observe sea turtles during the season.
The portable eDNA kit for the Yangtze softshell turtle was developed as a collaboration between WCS’s Zoological Health Program at Bronx Zoo, WCS Vietnam, the Asian Turtle Program, and Vietnam ...
Check out the programs for more details. The first sea turtle nest was spotted on Feb. 19 near Hutchinson Island and was made by a leatherback turtle in St. Lucie County, according to a March 3 ...