How Rule of 100 Investing Works The 100 Minus Your Age Rule is a simple formula intended to help investors determine the asset allocation of their portfolios. To use it, subtract your age from 100.
For the 2025 NASCAR season, there have been a number of rule changes. The 100% rule has been changed and replaced with different wording. Following last year’s debacle of a race finish at ...
The '100 rule' can be a make-or-break factor in an NHL team's success. Teams that don't excel on the power play and penalty kill need a lot to go right at 5-on-5. Ken Hitchcock, who coached Dallas ...
The 100-minus-your-age long-term savings rule is designed to guard against investment risk in retirement. If you’re 60, you should only have 40% of your retirement portfolio in stocks ...
Hitchcock arrived at his “100 Rule” by simply adding a team’s power-play percentage to its penalty-kill percentage. Hence, if a team had, say, a 20-percent rate on the power play and killed ...
Hitchcock arrived at his “100 Rule” by simply adding a team’s power-play percentage to its penalty-kill percentage. Hence, if a team had, say, a 20-percent rate on the power play and killed 85 percent ...