the upcoming third installment in the Tron franchise takes place after Tron: Legacy (2010), which was itself a sequel to the 1982 original. Tron: Ares' story features Ares (Leto), a program ...
A new high-quality image from TRON: Ares has been released. The film will be released in theaters on October 10, 2025. A new ...
How will this new movie follow in the footsteps of 2010's Tron: Legacy to bring something fresh and new to the beloved franchise? The threequel has big shoes to fill, as 1982's Tron is an absolute ...
Tron: Legacy, respectively released in 1982 and 2010. Joachim Rønning is directing the new sequel, with the screenplay ...
It began in 1982 with the Walt Disney Pictures film Tron. It was followed by various film tie-ins, a comic book miniseries and the 2010 sequel film Tron: Legacy ...
It began in 1982 with the Walt Disney Pictures film Tron. It was followed by various film tie-ins, a comic book miniseries and the 2010 sequel film Tron: Legacy ...