Such a precipitous increase in the value of U.S. equities has stirred up the usual cacophony of equity-bears screaming “bubble!” “Bubble” is a popular term, but, as it turns out, is rather ill-defined ...
Gold's recent price surge to 3000+ aligns with the bullish Cup pattern, as it has now registered our long-standing target.
Here are five signs to look for to judge whether we’re in bubble market territory and what we’ll likely see if we’re there. A stock market bubble is a speculative frenzy when stock prices ...
These five charts show how stretched market ... the 25.0x record high reached during the dot-com bubble in 1999. The Federal Reserve has a stock market valuation model that compares the forward ...
Tech-stock capitalization now exceeds dot-com bubble levels, leaving the market ... the often-bearish Edwards published a series of charts that he thinks should give investors pause as stocks ...