Most people think of the Valais Blacknose sheep when reading nursery rhymes, and it’s rarely seen outside of Europe. Its fuzzy black face, ears, and hocks make it look more like a toy than a living ...
But on a warm afternoon in December, 77 of these animals were captured near the town of Alpine and hauled back home to build ...
Two rams have had their ears bitten off in a suspected dog attack in Dorset. Police said the incident on Thursday was among a ...
A sheep in China was pulled to safety by an excavator operator after falling into an icy river, with a new clip showing the valiant rescue effort.
For 30 years, the animals have been used to keep the grass neat at one of the graveyards at St Kyneburgha Church in Castor, ...
FOUR PAWS wants to replace this practice, which mutilates millions of lambs each year, with proper animal management and breeding plain-bodied sheep—animals naturally resistant to fly infestations.
Wooly Green Grazers of Center will provide and manage 50 animals as an environmentally friendly alternative to herbicides.
COURTESY 3C GOAT GRAZING Above, goats at work munch on invasive weeds and vegetation on Hawaii island. 1 /2 COURTESY 3C GOAT GRAZING Above, goats at work munch on invasive weeds and vegetation on ...
Ohio-based Stop Animal Exploitation Now filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in late February.
Although it’s cute, this sheep isn’t just a farm animal. The Valais Blacknose is raised for meat and wool but is a hearty animal built for Switzerland’s harsh climate. The lamb in the video ...