A cat nuzzling against your leg or a dog resting its head on your lap can melt away the day’s stress. But what if a robot could do the same? Inspired by the gentle head-butting behavior of ...
(Scientific term: “facial pareidolia”) [Rongzhong Li] built a robot sensor array with multiple ... When he looked at his sensor array, he saw the face of a cat looking back at him.
According to Jacob Zuppke, president and CEO of Whisker, the company that makes the Litter-Robot line, this decision was really about making the cat’s experience better. “What if you went into ...
Foxes are cat software running on dog hardware ... Very much a work in progress — [Will]’s RoboFox lacks both a head and a tail, which he aims to add at some point — there are some ...
I can’t blame my parents for that one, scooping the litter box is by far the worst part about being a cat owner. Well, it was the worst thing, until I got a Litter Robot. When I was a kid ...