Poaching devastates the rhino population and has broader ecological and socio-economic implications. This article delves into ...
The population doubled to 4,880 by the end of 2010, but current levels are still 90% lower than three generations ago, mainly due to international trade in rhino horn. The horns are used in ...
Carvings from rhino horn [are] used to demonstrate status and define wealth" Grace Ge Gabriel, Regional Director in Asia for IFAW, "Rhino horn has traditionally been used for its medicinal value ...
The mighty rhinoceros is unlike any other animal. Strong and powerful, with protruding horns for protection, they look like small versions of dinosaurs. That's one reason why they're so mysterious ...
You can learn what they use their horns for, how they keep clean and why they love mud! The name 'rhino' is actually short for 'rhinoceros'. The word 'rhinoceros' comes from the Greek words rhino ...
Many southern white rhinos in South Africa are under private ownership on rhino farms, where they’re used commercially for breeding, photographic tourism, legal hunting, and horn production.
Today, there are just 63 Javan rhinos left in the wild. The greatest threat to Asian rhino populations is poaching. For centuries, powdered horn has been used in traditional Asian medicine in the ...
These weapons are used for poaching and committing other ... at airports possessing prohibited wildlife like ivory, and rhino horns face fines of no less than Sh1 million). Last week, as part ...
A 62-YEAR-OLD Chinese national was dragged before the Harare Magistrates’ Court facing an allegation of possessing rhino horns valued at US$360 000 yesterday. Harare magistrate Sheunesu Matova ...