I mean precisely what I have set down: Rudyard Kipling's remarkable rightness. Right, because time has sustained him against scoffers; remarkable, because no one originally expected that ...
DURING the last two or three years, we have often heard the lament that the Victorian era of poetry was closed; that with the death of Tennyson the last great voice had fallen silent; that only ...
The small box once belonged to Rudyard Kipling and sits on display at his former home, but curators didn’t pay much attention ...
The Landmark Trust USA currently manages five historic properties in Southern Vermont, including Rudyard Kipling's Naulakha ...
Genre aficionados are fond of finding literary antecedents in unlikely places, and science fiction devotees' latest rediscovery is the Nobel laureate Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936). Hugo and Nebula ...
An exhibition about the life of Nobel Prize-winning author Rudyard Kipling is set to open in East Sussex. The display, at the National Trust property Bateman's, near Burwash, will use items ...
An exhibition about the life of Nobel Prize-winning author Rudyard Kipling is set to open in East Sussex.