Linda Kumar is hurting but hopeful.And though she has good reason to complain, the lifelong Catholic and St. Bernadette ...
As we pray for our sick, let us also pray for our sick earth. “God of all Creation, in Jesus, we pray for a spirit of wisdom stewarding our resources, our gifts of the earth and faithfulness to act in ...
So, you can ask him to heal someone who is sick. The resurrection of Lazarus is one of the most fascinating stories ever told, a miracle performed by Jesus. On this day, approach St. Lazarus with ...
He entrusted all who are ill to the intercession of Mary, Health of the Sick, and asked for prayers for himself. The World Day of the Sick is traditionally celebrated on Feb. 11, the feast of Our ...
We learn in Sacred Scripture that Saint Paul suffered from a nameless illness, perhaps malaria or a debilitating eye disorder ...
We make our prayer always through Mary's child, for from her arose the sun of justice, Jesus, who is Lord for ever and ever.
Then he must call for the elders of the church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick ...