A cereal factory which produces Cheerios, Shreddies and supermarket brands is facing closure with 314 jobs at risk. Cereal ...
Cereal Partners UK and Ireland (CPUK&I) has announced plans to close its Bromborough site, putting more than to 300 jobs at ...
Cereal Partners said sales of breakfast cereal were ‘in significant decline owing to the changing habits of UK and Irish consumers’.
It’s also possible that, in Mexico, you can buy Cheerios where the words on the box are entirely in Spanish, except for a ...
Now on Cheerios boxes distributed nationwide are six Staten Islanders. Here they are from left to right: Leonie Chaudry, ...
This boost in ad awareness may be linked to Cheerios’ recent introduction of Cheerios Protein, a new cereal variety aimed at health-conscious consumers seeking higher protein content in their ...
ShopRite Partners In Caring is a year-round, community-based, hunger-fighting initiative that works with more than 50 food ...
Friday, March 7 is National Cereal Day and a new survey shows New Yorkers won't be celebrating with one of the country's most ...