It’s sad.’ In 2022, 230 pilot whales stranded further south on the west coast at Macquarie Harbour. The largest mass stranding in Australian history occurred in the same harbour in 2020 when ...
Australian authorities are to euthanise scores of false killer whales left suffering on a beach after a painful mass stranding in remote Tasmania. Marine experts said today that they have given up ...
As many whales migrate south to north in the spring, it’s more typical to see the large mammals in the Grand Strand. Was one ...
In 2022, 230 pilot whales stranded further south on the west coast at Macquarie Harbor. The largest mass-stranding in Australian history occurred in the same harbor in 2020 when 470 long-finned ...
In recent mass stranding operations, machinery has been used to move stranded whales to more secluded areas, so they can be stabilized in the water before release. But it was not possible to send ...
It’s sad,” she added. In 2022, 230 pilot whales stranded further south on the west coast at Macquarie Harbor. The largest mass stranding in Australian history occurred in the same harbor in ...
Nauset, a 31-year-old North Atlantic right whale, was seen by aerial observers about 5 miles off Wellfleet with a calf.
Post mortem investigations were slated to take place in a bid to determine what caused the whales to become stranded. Mr Clark earlier said similar mass standings typically involved pilot whales ...
Island agencies saw a record number of marine mammal strandings in 2024, responding to more than 40 incidents, the highest in ...
who discovered the stranded whales around midnight while fishing for sharks. It’s unknown what caused the mass beaching (Picture: Jocelyn Flint via REUTERS) Other locals opted to cover up the ...