Directed by Jon Favreau, the 2003 movie stars Will Ferrell as Buddy, a human who was accidentally raised by Santa's elves at the North Pole. As an adult, Buddy discovers that he is not actually an ...
The project will mark Whannell’s second monster movie and fourth directing collaboration ... a pairing of Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon as they fight over a date and venue for the weddings ...
Ferrell made sure that the cameraperson in the arena caught “Buddy” chugging a beer: In the movie, Ferrell plays a man born to human parents who ends up crawling into Santa’s bag by mistake ...
Will Ferrell told Jason Kelce and Travis Kelce on their podcast why he decided to dress up as a drunken Buddy the Elf at a ...
Christmas might be over, but we’re still thinking about that moment from long-ago December when Will Ferrell inexplicably ...