Men in Black and 21 Jump Street, the Flintstones and the Schmoo -- you get the nausea ... errr, the idea. And that's the inherent risk of The Lego Batman movie, in which Warner Bros. takes two of ...
The Lego Movie gets a super-awesome spin-off as the Caped Crusader (voiced by Will Arnett) swings into action to save Gotham City from The Joker. 2017 100.16666666666667 min.
They are, collectively, some of the best-designed minifigures in recent LEGO history ... If you're a fan of the X-Men movies and comics, this is a must-have set. This massive set is not tied ...
Batman has always been a popular superhero, and that makes sense—he’s been around since the 1930s, fighting crime and saving ...