This time there were tears. Jimmie Lee Jackson was only 26 years old, a church deacon, shot and killed by a state trooper in the aftermath of a voting rights protest just up the road in nearby Marion.
Sixty years ago on March 7, hundreds of Foot Soldiers in the Civil Rights Movement were violently beaten and gassed by Alabama State Troopers while marching across Selma's Edmund Pettus Bridge in a ...
As a twentysomething freelance journalist at the Birmingham News, James "Spider" Martin was tasked with capturing these moments with his camera, after state troopers shot and killed civil rights ...
Voting rights remain under attack, and voting rights protections, including those created in the 1965 Voting Rights Act, have ...
The marchers were protesting white officials’ refusal to allow Black Alabamians to register to vote, as well as the killing days earlier of Jimmie Lee Jackson, a minister and voting rights organizer ...
Lafayette County Circuit Court Judge Kelly Luther denied bond for Herrington during a Thursday livestreamed hearing in Oxford ...
Bond denied for man charged in death of Jimmie 'Jay' Lee CHECK OUT WAPT:Get the latest Jackson, MS, news. With top local, national, and sports stories, plus all the Jackson weather info you need ...
They were protesting voter suppression and the shooting death of activist Jimmie Lee Jackson. Sixty years later -- the celebration of what they were fighting for continues today. Long after Bloody ...
James "Spider" Martin was assigned to photograph the protests in Alabama after civil rights activist Jimmie Lee Jackson was killed by state... A woman laid out in the street, unconscious.
The marchers were protesting white officials’ refusal to allow Black Alabamians to register to vote, as well as the killing days earlier of Jimmie Lee Jackson, a minister and voting rights ...