However, scholars and historians agree that the actual date of Jesus' birth likely wasn't in December. Instead, modern studies suggest he may have been born in spring, with March or September ...
Careful interpretation is needed. These slides discuss some of the issues involved. For instance, both Matthew and Luke date Jesus’ birth toward the end of the reign of King Herod the Great, who we ...
Accordingly its consideration of the birth of Jesus starts with Paul’s references thereto: Galatians 4:4; Romans 1:3, 4 and 8:3, and Philippians 2:5–11. In Galatians four, Paul is talking ...
In Matthew’s narrative, Jesus’ birth is detected by foreign priests, the magi; in Luke it is lowly Jewish shepherds who first learn the news. In Matthew’s narrative, King Herod in Jerusalem hunts ...
Lucado told Fox News, "Christmas begins what Easter celebrates." Christmas is about the birth of Jesus. Easter is about what He was born to do. ADVENT REMINDER: JESUS CHRIST BROUGHT ‘TRUE PEACE ...
One storyline in particular, the birth of Jesus, has gone viral on social media because of Maisley's take on a conversation between Mary and Joseph. “And Mary said, ‘Woo, somebody give me a ...
When producer Derral Eves saw one of Dallas Jenkins’ Biblical short films, he knew right away that he was seeing something ...
Vandals have beheaded a sculpture featuring the Virgin Mary giving birth to Jesus that had been exhibited in the cathedral in the Austrian city of Linz and drawn criticism from some Catholics who said ...
These and many other questions will be the subject of homilies across many Christian traditions that celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the Counsellor, the Lord, the King of Kings.
Miracles reveal much about the mind and heart and will of God. They are God's immediate response to real-life human situations, and serve as signs or confirmations of who Jesus is. We'll use a ...
How does this relate to the birth of Jesus? Fast forward a few hundred years to the writers of the Gospels in the New Testament. To confirm that Jesus was the Messiah sent from God, they referred ...
NARRATOR: Today we are going to learn about the birth of Jesus! Cut to the interior of the stable as Mary nurses baby Jesus in her arms and Joseph stands over her. OISIN: Oh look at that cute ...