Many people responded to the Pope's wishes by joining the Crusades - showing this by cutting out red crosses and sewing them onto their tunics. The loss of Jerusalem was a terrible blow to the ...
Hagenmeyer ed.). Heidelberg 1913. Gibson S. and Lewis R. 2023. Capturing Jerusalem: the Fātimid/Seljūk, Crusader and Ayyūbid Fortifications, Ditches and Military Outworks of the City. Journal of ...
The Crusade also inspired the zealotry of the so-called Reconquista in Iberia, which came to be seen as a "second march to Jerusalem". But unlike Muslim Arab Italy and Spain, Palestine did not ...
Belmont Castle: The Excavation of a Crusader Stronghold in the Kingdom of Jerusalem OPEN ACCESS 2000 Bulletins and Supplementary Papers of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, 1922–1931 ...