"What Jennifer Did" is a new Netflix ... rests with the Supreme Court of Canada. Pan wasn't Bich and Hann's only child — she has a younger brother named Felix. Here's how he was involved in ...
A new Netflix documentary, "What Jennifer Did," dives into the story ... s side of the story — at her upcoming trial.” Pan's brother, Felix, did not respond to TODAY.com's request for comment ...
Huei Hann and Bich Ha Pan, immigrants from the Chinese ... Hann and Bich had high hopes for their daughter Jennifer and her younger brother, Felix. Jennifer, especially, was put on a pedestal ...
Hann and Jennifer's brother requested for a non-communication order against her, which the court granted, reports Toronto Life. Pan's lawyer said in court at the time that Pan remained willing to ...
Jennifer's brother, have a non-communication request issued against Jennifer so that she can never contact either of them ...
In 2010, Jennifer Pan devised a plan to kill her parents ... between Jennifer and her family at the request of her father and brother, Felix – the latter of whom was never mentioned in the ...