In a groundbreaking move, Netflix entered the live-streaming arena in November with the Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson boxing match. Drawing 108 million global viewers, the fight smashe ...
Netflix’s big bet on live events is paying off. New data published by the analytics firm Antenna indicates that Netflix added ...
Netflix's earnings report sent its stock surging — and made it a bit more clear how sports content impacts the company's ...
Mike Tyson returned to the ring for a showdown with Jake Paul. Now, David Benavidez has issued a bold message to the boxing ...
Iron Mike Tyson has splashed some of his $20m earnings from taking on Jake Paul on a new mansion, months after the ...
The streaming giant hosted its record-breaking boxing match between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson, and its first ever NFL games, ...
Executives at Netflix cited live events like the Jake Paul-Mike Tyson fight and the Christmas Day NFL games it showed as reasons its fourth-quarter content "outperformed even our high expectations." ...
Standard monthly memberships jumped a dollar, up to $7.99 a month, according to Gregory K. Peters, Netflix co-CEO, president ...
A Netflix press release from the 19th of November states: "60 million households watched the Paul vs Tyson main event live ...