An “ancient,” 322-pound loggerhead turtle is getting a new lease on life thanks to an alert scuba diver who found it severely injured off the Florida Keys, according to the Turtle Hospital.
MARATHON, FLA. (WSVN) - A very big sea turtle is on the road to recovery, thanks to specialists in the Florida Keys. Lenny the loggerhead is about 60 years old and weighs more than 300 pounds.
A 322-pound adult male loggerhead, estimated to be more than 60 years old, was rescued recently by divers off Islamorada.
Recreational sailors in the vicinity of the Florida Keys made an astonishing discovery of 65 pounds of cocaine floating on the ocean surface, as confirmed by authorities this week. While on a ...
An “ancient,” 322-pound loggerhead turtle is getting a new lease on life thanks to an alert scuba diver who found it severely injured off the Florida Keys, according to the Turtle Hospital.