Ever seen a howler monkey? That's what your extended family member would have resembled roughly halfway back to the dinosaurs, temporally speaking. We're getting close to your ultimate primate ...
The red howler species is the most common, but it is often targeted by hunters eager for bushmeat. Other species of howler monkey may be critically endangered over sections of their ranges.
Howler monkey populations are exploding due to a lack of big predators. Lake Guri presents a classic example of a top-down mediated system wherein the removal of top predators initiates a cascade ...
An ongoing study of the cause of death of howler monkeys on Barro Colorado has identified the howler monkey bot fly Cuterebra baeri as the single most important factor. Very young monkeys are the ...
the king of the animal kingdom and loudest member of the cat species uses it to fend off rivals and demonstrate dominance.
And this is one of the great threats that the howler monkey faces as a species. The deforestation, modification and degradation of its habitat has led it to be a species resilient to change.
is thrilled to announce the acquisition of Howler Head, the iconic Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey with natural banana flavor, from Monkey Spirit, LLC. This landmark acquisition represents a ...
For people in the steamy, swampy, jungle-covered state of Tabasco, the howler monkey is a cherished, emblematic species; local people say the monkeys tell them the time of day, by howling at dawn ...