Over 2,000,000 square feet of office space used by the United States Department of the Interior will close.There will be a ...
HELENA — Montana’s minimum wage could be increased to $12.06 an hour if a bill introduced to the House on Monday passes.
A majority of Republican lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee joined Democrats on Thursday in deciding to table a bill ...
Rep. Greg Oblander, R-Billings is carrying House Bill 489. An optional sales tax is not a new idea. Sen. Christopher Pope, ...
"I think it is the wake-up call to many ... Dems that our position in Montana has changed and we need to pay attention," said House Minority Leader Katie Sullivan.
HELENA — Buckle up Montana, because Big Sky Country looks set to declare ... I went to school on a full-ride scholarship to ...
The agency said it set up the event to “guide affected workers back into the workforce.” Impacted workers can also receive ...
A proposal to address distracted driving on Montana roadways passed the state Senate on Saturday following an emotional floor debate. Senate Bill 359, which bill sponsor Sen. Sara Novak, D-Anaconda, ...
The Montana legislature is looking at legislation to make some changes to how people transfer vehicle ownership in the state.