The German pocket battleship (heavy cruiser ... off the coast of Uruguay by three smaller Royal Navy cruisers, HMS Exeter; HMS Ajax and HMS Achilles, which was part of the RN New Zealand Division.
when HMS Ajax, HMS Exeter and HMS Achilles (New Zealand) finally caught the Graf von Spee, which then decided to scuttle the pocket battleship.
A previous HMS Achilles, a Leander Class cruiser, was part of a Royal Navy squadron which fought the German pocket battleship Graf ... was originally designated Ajax but later had its name changed ...
The town is named after a British ship, the HMS Ajax, that won a 1939 battle against a ship commanded by Hans Langsdorff, a Nazi officer. (JTA) — A suburb of Toronto will rename a street named ...
Commodore Henry Harwood of Hunting Group G guessed where the German ship was headed, closing in with heavy cruiser HMS Exeter and light cruisers HMS Ajax and HMS Achilles on December 13.