The usual manner of travel is by walking or trotting, but when necessary, a gray fox gallops or runs, attaining a top speed of 32.2-45.1 km/h (20-28 mph). Unlike the red fox, this species frequently ...
Researchers set up 33 camera traps across core and buffer zones within the montane cloud forest and private lands just ...
This behavior has played a major role in the fox's survival, and continues to help the species compete against its rivals. The ancestor of the Patagonian gray fox migrated across the Panamanian ...
Ohio’s less known canid, the gray fox, will be the subject of Blackbrook Audubon’s monthly program at 7 p.m. March 18. Caleb Wellman, a wildlife biologist with USDA Wildlife Services, will present the ...
Unlike the chattering, scampering gray squirrel, it's quiet ... Since the Delmarva Peninsula fox squirrel was listed under the Endangered Species Act back in 1967 — when only 10 percent of its ...