"The blades of turf-type tall fescue are narrow and have a slight curl or twist to them, giving the grass a slightly wispy look." The grass turns dark green in fall and lightens in winter when it ...
If you plan to sow grass seeds on top of your soil, you'll have to know the best grass types for your climate and area.
Tall Fescue- (TF) Lolium arundinaceum (FKA: Festuca arundinacea) The new turf-type tall fescues are excellent for Delaware and they have excellent color, quality, and vigor. TF is considered a ...
One question we get often is “why do I need to reseed my fescue lawn? The parts of my lawn that are Bermuda never need any reseeding.” ...
Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass or tall fescue are among the most common cool-season grasses needing attention ...
Wet or dry: Use tall fescue mix in dry or drought-prone areas ... check out our guide on types of grasses. 2. Determine the best season to plant The ideal time to plant grass seed also depends ...
The best grasses for our soil and weather are varieties of Turf Type Tall Fescue. These fescues are drought-tolerant, disease-resistant and create thick, lush lawns. They need the soil temperature ...