God’s love is beyond human understanding. It is patient, kind, and never failing. His love shapes every aspect of our lives, guiding us, strengthening us, and drawing us closer to Him. When we ...
says that God did not begin to love us; his love for us is as eternal as God is eternal. We don’t need to do anything to curry favour with God. And once again, Desmond Tutu uses Jesus’s ...
Life is full of ups and downs, and our emotions often shift like the tide. One moment, we may feel full of faith and joy, and ...
It has been an off week for me. My rhythms are out of sorts. I am grateful for Spring Break, and the opportunities it has ...
Conveying his special closeness with those who are sick and fragile, the 88-year-old Pontiff said they, too, can be witnesses ...
To paraphrase that tract, it argued that we can be assured of going to heaven, since God loves us (John 3:16). Even though we have sinned and are separated from God (Romans 3:23), Jesus Christ ...
Our God is a God of relationships! He loves to communicate with His beloved. Just as we marvel at how God shows us these ...
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest ...