Cost is $14. For menus, see the Fish Dinners listing in the GO+TV insert in today’s Altoona Mirror.
Dinners: Walleye ($17), three- or four-piece perch ($14-$17) and two- or three-piece seafood cake ($14-$17). Perch/shrimp combo ($14) and shrimp and steak dinners are available. Dinners come with ...
Dinners: Walleye ($17), three- or four-piece perch ($14-$17) and two- or three-piece seafood cake ($14-$17). Perch/shrimp combo ($14) and shrimp and steak dinners are available. Dinners come with ...
is hosting fish fry dinners at 5 p.m. March 7, 14, 21, 28 and April 4 and 11. Buffet service ends at 7. Cost at the door is $25 for adults, $11 for children ages 6-12 and free for children 5 and ...