Unlock the power of fiction to boost emotional and adaptive intelligence—sharpening empathy, flexibility, and leadership skills for success.
The theme of bad books versus bad readers runs through my recent publication Books, Reading and Libraries in Fiction, which I ...
Local author Emily Greenberg’s debut collection of experimental short stories explores blurred lines between truth and ...
Story books have been a treasured part of childhood for decades. They have been the very first form of imparting knowledge, wonder and hope to children, by introducing them to magical worlds, ...
Discover how reading fiction strengthens your mind, boosts empathy, and shapes the way you understand yourself and others—all backed by science.
The “City Lights” series “Bookmarked” continues with literary contributor Alison Law as she discusses two significant events ...
In this nostalgic and fascinating book, Julie Satow, author of The Plaza, writes about the golden age of three now-vanished ...
"Reading the script wasn’t the same as seeing the film. And then seeing the film, having read the script, wasn’t the same as seeing the film." As genius as the Pulp Fiction script is ...