"At the same time, we're walking among piles of carcasses and bones, and seeing very few elephant seal harems, so it's still disturbing." A study, published in the journal Nature Communications ...
Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) are an iconic species of the Southern Ocean. But with rapid environmental changes ...
Elephant seal bulls are washing up at San Simeon Cove, Washburn beach and Moonstone Beach in Cambria. Unwary visitors may find that what appears to be driftwood is actually a live seal.
Southern elephant seals are the "canary in the coal mine" for the Southern Ocean, offering insight into how the ecosystem may ...
Nature’s AI Helping Marine Biologists Study Oceans The deep blue sea, with its mysterious and uncharted territories, has ...
When this elephant seal strayed on to their bit of the beach, these penguins weren't going to take it lying down. As a result, the young seal suffered a painful pinch on the behind as the gentoo ...
Elephant seals depend on this daily dance for sustenance: The females get their much-loved lanternfish and squid from this mobile buffet. A study published on February 14 in Science suggests that ...