Dr. Samantha Gerbers says the likelihood of female dogs developing Mammary Cancer increases to 24% if they are not spayed by ...
Every year, on the last Tuesday of February, animal welfare organizations and advocates worldwide observe World Spay Day.
After walking a mile to Dakin Humane Society on Tuesday, the man asked them if the spay-neuter clinic could help his dog. A ...
"Spokane SNIP" will provide free spay/neuter procedures for 100 household dogs. Registration is required along with a $25 ...
Monetary donations can be made online at waynedogshelter.org and supplies can be purchased and shipped to the organization ...
A new clinic that is part of an existing Jamestown nonprofit is offering spay and neuter services for cats and dogs, seeking ...
Bringing Essential Veterinary Care to Underserved Areas Across Santa Barbara County Santa Barbara Humane is excited to ...
Santa Barbara Humane will provide free spay/neuter surgeries for a limited time to pet owners in underserved areas like ...
Pet owners in Shreveport can have their pets spayed or neutered for free. Robinson Rescue will hosts its SSNIP (Subsidized ...
PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) - An honor like no other, it is time again to elect the Salty Dog Day Mayor! In this playful ...