POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
Allergic reactions to dogs or cats can cause sneezing, nasal congestion, itchy eyes, hives and other symptoms.
Has your dog been licking and chewing at their paws a lot lately? Allergies might be to blame. Here's what you should know to ...
Excessive itching may signal an underlying issue. Learn about common dog allergies, symptoms, and treatment options for ...
These itch and allergy chews for dogs are specifically designed to address your canine’s sensitive skin issues and support relief from seasonal allergies. Allergy relief for dogs helps maintain ...
4. Nail bed infection Very uncomfortable for the dog, also known as paronychia, sometimes bacteria or yeasts can infiltrate ...
As spring draws near, chilly weather gives way to sunshine, daffodils start to bloom and the risk of hay fever increases. But ...
Spring is in the air! It's the perfect time to get to the root of your dog's allergies and environmental sensitivities with the best dog allergy test of 2025. Cait Morgan DNA My Dog +1 416-691-4160 ...
There’s a special bond between a dog and its owner, but some might argue that bathing together is a step too far. Amanda ...