Darwin writes this in his Autobiography, as an old man. Darwin reads religious books in the months before his father's death. Two by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an Anglican theologian, warn that ...
This short, fast-paced film examines how Darwin’s ideas contrast with the teachings of the Bible, and whether the two really are at odds. This is from the series: A-Z of Religion and Beliefs You ...
He was also a Christian. Darwin did not intend to challenge religious beliefs with his book, but many religious believers responded to it with fury. Their reasons included: The theory of evolution ...
Darwin’s work also set up a generations-long battle between mainstream science and religious conservatism. By far the most controversial aspect of evolution theory was its apparent contradiction ...
One creature, a predatory wasp, haunts Darwin, and in the future plays into his religious doubts. The wasp stings and paralyzes caterpillars, and then stuffs the still living prey into its nest ...