Find out where crape myrtle grows best and how to choose the right variety for your garden. Plus, get tips for pruning and ...
Because of this, pruning spring-flowering plants after June risks removing the buds, resulting in fewer flowers the following ...
The best time to prune crepe myrtles is before new growth appears, so what happens if you prune crepe myrtles later in the ...
Crape murder is happening all over town. It doesn’t matter how horticulturists talk about proper pruning techniques, each year more and more trees are cut back to stubs. Standard crape myrtles have ...
the sticky leaves and black trunks take away the attractive appearance of the trees and reduce the price consumers will pay for a tree. Crape myrtle bark scale is relatively easy to identify.
White, wooly adults (figure 1, 2) with pink to purple eggs underneath (Figure 3) can be seen in late spring. The first generation was observed in late May through early June using a hand lens or ...