The characteristic of stars, such as our sun, is that their gravity keeps the nuclei present on them so close and hot that a fusion process is triggered, producing a huge amount of energy. On earth, ...
Jackson Oswalt, a 12-year-old teen from Memphis, achieved a nuclear fusion in his bedroom and received a Guinness World ...
“That’s how fusion food came to be ... “To me, the essence of Cantonese cooking lies in the control of the intensity of the flame during cooking.” Another accomplished chef to leave ...
This step brings the international fusion community closer to achieving sustainable, clean, and virtually limitless energy through controlled fusion reactions. The work is published in the journal ...
China has made a significant breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology, achieving record temperatures in its EAST experiment, ...
The National Ignition Facility conducted the first controlled fusion experiment in history that produced more energy from fusion than the laser used to create it. Fusion energy holds tremendous ...