Make sure information is available even if colors are altered. This can mean adding another cue, such as an underline to show a link, or an icon to reinforce the meaning. Accessibility Training ...
Avoid relying solely on color to indicate meaning. For example, it is popular to denote the difficultly level of ski trails by color. Generally, green indicates easy trails, blue for mediumly ...
Contrast and color use are important, as users must be able to perceive content on a page. You can use accessibility checkers to check for issues such as color contrast ratios. If you choose to use ...
Accessibility is fundamentally about making sure ... Visual information doesn’t just mean images or text; if you are using colors, font size, or animations to convey meaning, that information should ...
Accessibility is fundamentally about making sure people ... Do not use visual style or color alone to communicate meaning. Read our newsletter on using visual style to convey meaning for more details.