All the causes in this list typically result in an anterior tear (damage to the cartilage in the front of the hip joint). Traumatic hip labral tears are caused by: You're most likely to tear the ...
Objective: Acetabular labral tears predominantly affect young patients and are a source of hip pain in the athlete. Four causes of the initiation of labral tears have been proposed; trauma, hypolaxity ...
Finally, videotapes from each patient's hip arthroscopy were assessed ... Finally, the acetabular labrum is thoroughly evaluated from both the anterior and lateral portals. The presence of a ...
However, the pain is located in the anterior aspect of the hip ... FAI is a structural flaw and can cause tears in the acetabular labrum (hip socket cartilage) When this is torn, clicking popping ... Shoulder pain is a common complaint in overhead athletes, and superior labrum anterior posterior (SLAP) lesions are a common cause of this pain. The pathological cascade which results in ...
the results of CTA performed by a radiologist experienced in this technique have been much more helpful than MRI in defining the status of the biceps-labrum complex and the anterior glenoid labrum.