The general AP style numerical rule is to spell out numbers of nine or lower and use digits for those higher than 10. That’s ...
While Miami offers an A.B. (the traditional Latin translation of artium baccalaureus), follow AP Style and use Bachelor of Arts. See AP Stylebook entry "academic degrees" for additional information.
Writers and editors should adhere to our house style for all written communications. Our house style, a customized version of AP style, can be found here. Please note: This website can only be ...
Grammar enthusiasts celebrate “Chicago style” rules, such as whether to put the title of a book in italics (Chicago style says yes, whereas AP style recommends quotation marks), or whether to use a ...
CU Boulder uses The Associated Press Stylebook as our official style guide. However, we depart from AP style in a few cases. Please check our list of those exceptions. This guide provides ...