In particular, the twelve greatest gods and goddesses in the Roman state religion – called the di consentes – paralleled the gods of Greek mythology. Although they kept Latin names and images ...
Nyx is the is the Ancient Greek goddess of the night.  Unlike her sister, Eos, the goddess of the Dawn, Nyx is a mysterious ...
A Greek coin showing Pegasus and the goddess, Athena. The Greeks thought ... They offered these gifts as sacrifices. One of the 12 legendary tasks of Heracles was to defeat the Stymphalian birds.
The Greek goddess Artemis, known as Diana among the ... she boasted of how she was more blessed with children than Leto since she had twelve children, or fourteen depending on the account, while ...
N ike was the Greek goddess of victory and an attendant of Zeus.While not among the 12 Olympian gods, she is described as a resident of Mount Olympus. Nike was commonly depicted as a winged woman ...