Victoria cannot afford to have an economically illiterate treasurer but sadly that’s precisely what we have in Jaclyn Symes.
Labor’s social media ads spark criticism for being cringeworthy. Victorian landlords face higher taxes under new changes.
A word of advice for influencer Sam Jones who manhandled a baby wombat — leave our wildlife alone and don’t let the door hit ...
Two Australian billionaires have embarrassed themselves in recent days; one for being a massive hypocrite and the other an ungrateful nincompoop.
The Fracking Ban Bill 2020 passed in March 2021, with Victoria’s Constitution amended to not only ban fracking but to ensure ...
BlazeTV Host and Texas Family Project VP Sara Gonzales says the left media in the US are “losing viewers” by the second.
Sky News host Rita Panahi joins ‘To Di For’ podcast host Kinsey Schofield to discuss the latest revelations in Prince Harry’s ...
Sky News host Rita Panahi discusses the “astonishing” achievement of SpaceX safely returning stranded NASA astronauts back to ...
BlazeTV Host and Texas Family Project VP Sara Gonzales says the Democrats are “completely and utterly lost”. Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer has been blasted for “mocking Americans” while ...
Sky News host Rita Panahi discusses who could be the next presidential nominee for the Democrats. There are suggestions that ...
BlazeTV Host and Texas Family Project VP Sara Gonzales says the majority of Americans are “very excited” about what’s ...
Sky News host Rita Panahi says the left-wing media repeated the lie that Joe Biden was “powerless” to fix the US border issue ...